Posts Tagged ‘email’

3D Printing is a new way to transport and manufacture products. It’s breaking down the consumptions about the time and space. One can for example send a model of a product to another country in a digital form instead of sending the product itself. Just press the enter to save time and resources. Nowdays (not only in business) it’s ALL about searching the alternatives to benefit.

On the other hand, even though 3D Printing has it’s benefits, it can reduce the need of labour and that way increase the unemployment.

The professionals believe the year 2012 will become the breakthrough of 3D Printing.

3D Printing can be used in different fields. For instance in medicine to create new artificial limbs.


Structural evaluation of scaffolds prototypes produced by three-dimensional printing

“12345” has been released as the Sirian president password that gives acces to all his own private information. Owing to revealing this information, Anonymous hacktivists group intented to make people aware of the net’s fragility. In relation to that, they alert both world’s governments and ordinary citizens that privacy on the net is not guaranteed. In a time in which our identities are being constructed through Internet, be careful on what you share, you are being watched.


FRACKMAN, A; MARTIN, Rebecca; RAY, Claudia. Internet and online privacy. A legal and business guide; American Lawyer Meda, Inc; 2002

Authors: Clàudia Aragon, Iga Drobnik, Aneley Lampugnani, Ares Subirà.